edeon.net Communication  Barcelona

The consumption of mobile phones, television and the internet set historical records in Catalonia


Population habits are changing and data analytics companies are already reporting that social media, newsletters and series are the protagonists.

Rebold, a benchmark in data analysis, has updated the study analyzing the impact of Covid-19 on the habits of Catalans and Spaniards, in order to help companies understand the effects of the pandemic on social and economic level.

The most recent reports show that social media is still crowding out . All networks grow, especially Twitter, with more than 56.1%, Facebook with 36.5% and Instagram with 22.7%. According to data from the consulting firm Smartme Analytics .

Twitter is being the largest generator of social content in Catalonia and Spain, bringing together 95% of mentions around the coronavirus, according to Rebold. The most viralized topics during this period were the "New York Times" and "Correspondence with the Coronavirus," which added almost 8,000 mentions, related to a news article published by the American newspaper: Rich Europeans flee virus for 2nd homes, spreading fear. and fury (rich Europeans flee viruses to their second homes spreading fear and anger).

In this information they put José María Aznar as an example of irresponsible behavior during the pandemic. Other information very much discussed during this period were government measures, lengthening alarms and increasing restrictions (51,950 mentions), followed by conversation on best practices for avoiding contagion (21,365 mentions). .

On the other hand, mobile phones are the star channel. During this period of population confinement in Catalonia and Spain, the key channel is being mobile, its use has grown by about 50% in voice and 25% in data, as the best way to find information, telecommuting and occupying leisure time.

Catalans and Spaniards have been using their phones for an average of an hour every day since the alarm was decreed, according to data from the Smartme Analytics consulting firm . The five basic uses: Communicating with other people (53.2%), social networks (20.9%), watching TV and cinema (19.9%), reading the press or listening to the radio (14.7%) ) and education (14.3%). Also growing are the tv and movie apps, the most used are Megadede (+ 70.4%,), Netflix (+ 30.6%) and Prime Video (+ 22.2%).

In terms of games, the three that have grown the most are: Clash of Clans (+ 63%), Parxis (+ 61%) and Township (+ 45%). There is a diminishing trend in most applications related to retail , fashion and restaurants. The behavior on some of the most popular fashion apps has been: Women 's Secret (-58.1%), Zara (-51.7%) and Vinted (-26.9%).

Economic uncertainty and even the fear of contagion do not affect all sectors, and also the use of big digital stores like Wallapop falls (-28,1%); AliExpress (-25.3X%) and Amazon (-9.7%).

But not everything is negative data. Major news headers and news aggregators like the UpDay news app (+ 88%) and El País (+ 86.7%) are growing. Communication apps are the biggest "beneficiaries" of the confinement, with WhatsApp at the forefront, with usage which has seen a growth of almost 700% , according to Telefónica .

Television is also having a good time, and it is recording historical figures. Television consumption has grown by 40% and the speech of the President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez, declaring the state of alarm was the most watched broadcast in the history of Spain , with 80.9% share. .

On-demand TV is also having a particularly good time with people who are eager for their leisure time. Looking at Google searches, the search term "Netflix" led this activity, followed by a long distance, by Amazon Prime, HBO and Disney +, but the launch in Catalonia and Spain of this latest platform has attracted interest since of March 22 exponentially.

At edeon.net we are aware of the latest reports and the day-to-day information consumption, economics and consumer trends in order to help us adapt our marketing and communication strategies. Now more than ever you need to be knowledgeable and adapt your marketing campaigns for all companies. Maybe we will lower sales, but now companies need to be on the side of their customers, interacting more than ever before, in order to keep them loyal and stay active when normal returns. As all reports indicate, social media and digital communication in general are the main tools that will allow us to achieve these goals .

Source: Rebold